Prevention and Treatment of childhood physical disability in least developed countries

Changing lives through Physiotherapy and Osteopathy

Agarimo for Africa arises from the desire to pursue social change by addressing childhood physical disability in least developed countries through early stimulation protocols.

At once, it intends to boost the local economy by generating employment wherever the projects are carried out.

Physiotherapy session

Guinea Conakry & Agarimo for Africa

After several meetings with local NGO´s Association Guineenne pour la Promotion des Handicapes , ONG Humanitaire pour la Protection de la Femme et de l'Enfant and the Ministry of Health, Agarimo for Africa is starting a project in Guinea Conakry.

The projects is based in one of the foundations of international cooperation, Knowledge Transfer and training. During the duration of the project, online seminars to discuss early stimulation treatments will take place between the Physiotherapists at Agarimo for Africa and the local Physiotherapists.

A field trip has been scheduled for 2024 to make an on site assessment of the current situation and provide several weeks of training to local physiotherapists.

Project in local school_Mbeya, Tanzania

Home Visit

We are currently working on the relocation of this project to one of the local hospitals.

The project started in April 2023, establishing at this school a team of 2 local Physiotherapists, previously trained by Agarimo for Africa, that carried out their work free of charge during the school´s opening hours.

Following a series of irreconcilable differences with the local NGO, the project is now awaiting its relocation to one of the local hospitals in Mbeya, where our transparency requirements will be met and children will be able to access the services over wider opening hours.

Photograph by Alberto Pla

Awareness Campaign by Alberto Pla, Journalist

One of the objectives of Agarimo for Africa is to raise awareness about the lack of opportunities children with physical disabilities are facing in least developed countries. Long-term change, our main goal, can only take place once the problem has been identified and solutions implemented.

Agarimo for Africa has teamed up with Alberto Pla who is currently working on the production of a global awareness campaign. The campaign will show the daily lives of children with disabilities. It will be directed by Alberto Pla, an international journalist and photographer whose work has earned him, among others, the SdG prize awarded by the United Nations in 2021. The campaign will be released in early 2024.

Further information will be posted through our social media and through Alberto´s social media. More information on the work of Alberto Pla can be found on

Where does Agarimo for Africa come from?

The idea of the association was born during a trip to Tanzania during which Ledicia Pérez, Agarimo for Africa´s founder, visited several schools for children with disabilities.

“We were on holidays in Tanzania, and as we were leaving one of the schools, my 5-year-old daughter grabbed my hand and said 'mum, you have to come back to help those children so they can walk again.' At that moment Agarimo for Africa was born "

Ledicia Pérez, Founder of Agarimo For Africa